I Digress…

By: Laura Walton AFC® My blog on home affordability took me to the tech startup Divvy which led me to Max Levchin of HVF Labs who somehow juggles a smorgasbord of tech startups, board positions, wife, kids and 800 emails a day. I was left with the nagging question “How does one person pull all…


By: Laura Walton AFC® Do you believe in the Rule of Three? Those who do believe that both good things and bad things come in threes – apparently scams do also as three have recently come across my desk. The first one looked like an invoice for our Foundation. We’re in the process of trademarking the…

In the news…again!!

“This nonprofit will give you $1,000 if you take a few personal finance classes” was the recent headline. The article generated a couple hundred emails and calls which kick started the Foundation’s goal of offering its signature 3rd DecadeTM classes in each of the six markets served by our offices. We quickly committed to 3rd DecadeTM classes starting in…

Jump or Wade – An Historical Perspective

A Regional Director for Dimensional Fund Advisors responded to last week’s blog, Jump or Wade, with several powerful graphs looking back at historical market moves. These eight graphs help us put today’s investing climate into perspective.   And, last but not least, have a plan: NOTE: TCI Wealth Advisor clients have access to funds offered by Dimensional Fund Advisors.


By: Laura Walton AFC® A folly, sometimes called an eyecatcher, is a building with no purpose other than to enhance a view on the grounds of a castle or large estate in 18th century England. The folly at Blair Atholl Castle in Scotland was nothing more than something to look at out the castle window over…