The 3rd Decade Program Application

Where Financial Success Begins

Personal finance program

Now Enrolling for 2024/2025

Your Financial Journey Starts Here

At 3rd Decade, we don’t to tell you what your financial future should be – we simply provide all the knowledge, tools, resources, and support you need to figure that out for yourself. 

3rd Decade’s personal finance program combines education, one-on-one financial mentoring, and personalized guidance designed to support you through doing the basics like paying off your student loans, planning for retirement, buying a house, saving for vacation as well as working with you to achieve financial goals you may not have thought possible. 

3rd Decade was designed with YOU in mind. 

  • It’s Free: It literally doesn’t cost you anything other than time.
  • Virtual Programming: You can participate from your couch or the club – your choice!
  • Custom Learning Options: You can choose between live and asynchronous learning.
  • Fiduciary Practices: You will never be pushed to buy “financial” products. 
  • Personalized Financial Plans: You’ll get a clear picture of your finances and step-by-step guidance to achieve your goals. 
  • Roth IRA Match: We believe in YOU so much that we actually give you money! Learn more here.

The best part? We provide long-term mentoring over two years to make sure that you receive continuous support, become financially literate, and achieve your financial goals with confidence.

Your 3rd Decade Journey



Register for 3rd Decade's Personal Finance Program to start your financial journey.

Our program enrolls on a quarterly basis, with new cohorts beginning every January, April, July, and October.

Financial Education

Months 1-2

You'll benefit from 4 classes totaling 10 hours of key financial education taught by professional instructors. Learn about personal financial basics as well as insurance, taxes, homeownership, and more.

Financial Mentoring

Months 3-24

Take advantage of 3, one-on-one sessions with a Volunteer Financial Mentor who will answer all your questions, help you understand your finances, support your goals, and provide you with actionable financial guidance.


Our program was designed for you if...

  • You live in the United States
  • You are 18-35 years old.
  • Your individual income is less than $75,000 OR Your household (two-person) income is less than $120,000 combined.

Upcoming Cohorts

2025 Cohorts

  • Quarter 1: January – Now Accepting Applications
  • Quarter 2: April
  • Quarter 3: July
  • Quarter 4: October

We enroll on a quarterly basis and accept new applications year-round. You will be added to a waitlist until the next onboarding cycle. 

A personal finance program with diversity goals

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