Ignite 520

By: Laura Walton AFC® Tucson has a bit of a “startup” culture – maybe even more than a bit. This weekend, the TCI Foundation will participate in a forum for young professionals, Ignite 520. Tucson Young Professionals (TYP) is the drive behind this event. They describe themselves as a “group of diverse young professionals united together to…

Out on a limb…

By: Laura Walton AFC® Spring is early…trees are leafing out, desert flowers are starting what promises to be a record bloom year, allergy sufferers are suffering and bird song, if you’ve noticed, is abundant. On Sunday, we joined friends and a professional birding guide in Madera Canyon. It was an eye-opening experience and, guess what,…

The rest of the story…

By: Laura Walton AFC® “‘Devaluation’ of homeowner tax advantage feared by some” was the headline in our Sunday paper that caught my attention. Just how important is the mortgage interest deduction and who benefits most from it? According to the article, the National Home Builders Association, Mortgage Bankers Association and the National Association of Realtors are characterizing…