Steve Oniya, CFP®, ChFC®

Steve Oniya


3rd Decade Logo

Volunteer Financial Mentor

Passionate About…

  • Investing 
  • Retirement Plans
  • Un/Underbanked

Born and raised in Houston, Texas and instilled with an entrepreneurial drive from entrepreneurial parents; Steve enjoys leading people, business development and helping others. He enjoys the strategy of making more, from less. Steve grew up helping his father’s business (in which his father was featured in Forbes). He enjoys learning from others, adapting to different environments, strategy, and helping instill confidence in others to achieve their goals. Steve personally enjoys achieving goals and self-development. Steve has won numerous awards, higher-level education, and extracurricular activities that further developed his financial management and people skills.

A book or film that changed my life is...

``Rich Dad, Poor Dad.``

A quote I live by is...

``There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve; the fear of failure.`` - Paulo Coelho

A unique thing about me is...

I can speak Mandarin.