Rob Rynders, CFP®

Rob Rynders


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Volunteer Financial Mentor

Passionate About…

  • Budgeting
  • Debt Management
  • Retirement Plans

As a husband, father, and financial planner, Rob has a passion for helping others. Previously a leader in the nonprofit world, Rob loves helping others bring structure and meaning to their finances so that they can achieve their goals and dreams. Originally from the Bay Area, Rob has called Arizona home for almost twenty years. He enjoys reading non-fiction, trying new restaurants with his wife, Melissa, and playing video games with his two teenage sons, Colby and Zachary.

A social cause I care about is...

Homelessness and affordable housing. Since I was a teenager I've spent a lot of time volunteering, and even living in, underserved communities. Those experiences led me to understand how important housing is to addressing so many other social issues.

A book or film that changed my life is...

``The Millionaire Next Door`` started me down a path that led to a mid-life career change to become a financial planner.

My reason for volunteering is...

Learning about personal finance in my mid-30's changed my life (and career). I only wish I had learned what I know now, earlier. I hope to help others develop solid financial habits so that they are able to experience more freedom and flexibility in their lives.