Julia Messineo, CFP®

Julia Messineo


Mercer Global Advisors Logo

Volunteer Financial Mentor

Passionate About…

  • Budgeting
  • Investing
  • Retirement Plans

Julia began her career in financial services at Merrill Lynch where provided personalized investment management strategies to help clients achieve their financial goals. She joined Mercer Advisors in 2021 and is passionate about serving clients and assisting them in planning for what they deem most important. She is originally from New Jersey but moved to Colorado in 2016. In her free time, she enjoys baking and spending time in the beautiful Rocky Mountains.

The title of my autobiography would be...

'One foot in front of the other'. This is another motto that I live by. Regardless of what is going on in my life, I tackle life day by day, and each day minute by minute. I truly feel this is the best way to remain present in every moment, and overcome whatever struggles are taking place.

A quote I live by is...

'Everything happens for a reason'. I truly believe that all things in life, both good and bad, occur for every person for a particular reason. To me, nothing is a coincidence, and there are forces at play that help steer everyone in the direction they need to go.

My pet is...

My partner and I do not have any pets together, but my parents have two family dogs: a 15-year-old terrier mix that our family rescued when he was 15 months old, and a miniature Berna-doodle puppy named Sophie.