Headshot photo of Brendan Ercole, Volunteer Financial Mentor @ 3rd Decade

Volunteer Financial Mentor

Brendan Ercole

Passionate About...
Purchasing a Home Retirement Plans Sustainable Investing

I was born and raised in Rochester, NY but have lived in Philadelphia, Dallas, and Florence (Italy or Kentucky??) before making my way back home. My wife is also a native Rochesterian, we have twins (boy and a girl) and two dogs (boy and a girl) as well as too many plants. We love spending time together; going to baseball and lacrosse games, cooking together, and reading as much as we can. We have also been known to watch too much Survivor.

Get to Know Brendan

What is a quote you like to live by? "A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." - Jackie Robinson
What is a book or film that changed your life? October Sky - Don't stop chasing your dreams. Find people that believe in you and support you!
Do you have any pets? Moose and Nokona are our two dogs. I adopted Kona when I was living in Dallas and my wife adopted Moose from Kentucky. They quickly became best friends after we met and they are inseparable. They love to spend time with our twins too, especially when food is involved.