Short Money Rules

By: Laura Walton AFC®   Morgan Housel, an award winning financial columnist, is gifted at expressing complex ideas clearly and with humor. Today a partner at The Collaborative Fund, he posted this recent blog, “Short Money Rules”, and I would add “to live by”. Above-average results require not being afraid of looking wrong. Most people…

Choice A or B


By: Laura Walton AFC®   Do you ever anticipate regret? I find it a useful tool when making decisions. If I choose option A, how will I feel about it later, will I regret it? Or, will I feel better about choosing option B once my decision is made? These top 10 financial savings regrets…

John C. Bogle

By: Laura Walton AFC® A graduate of the 3rd Decade™ Program sent me a link to an article he’d come across online: “It reiterates and reaffirms what TCI preached in class about holding onto investments even though the market can be risky because it will still outperform…in the long term. If you could share it with…

She’s on FIRE!

By: Laura Walton AFC® In recent blogs I’ve discussed the FIRE movement (Financial Independence Retire Early) and the potential pitfalls of early retirement. Left unaddressed is how to pull it off – does it take a big income? or monk-like frugality?? Here’s how one 3rd DecadeTM graduate is knocking it out of the park. For simplicity’s sake,…